Benefits of Embarking on a Business Without Cash

Emma Ludwig
3 min readApr 10, 2022

You do have your business plan, but there’s a pervasive issue of seed money that you don’t have. What are you doing? What can you do to start your own business with no money by advertising its concept on free microblogging sites? Many opportunities can be used when you want to. If an entrepreneurial flame is burning inside you, you will find ways to make your dream a reality. If your initial venture requires a significant amount of capital, you will need to create temporary projects. Perhaps you can reduce the scope of your project overall. For example, you can create one element of the plan and then gradually add more… It doesn’t matter. In any case, if you are determined, don’t let a lack of funds ruin your dreams. In this post, I will give examples of companies that can be set up with very little money.

Let your near and dear know about your plans.

Be honest with your family and friends. They are your prominent supporters because they value you and want you to succeed. They will do anything to help you. My sister and her mother sold cassava to help us survive. When I was stressed out with my projects due to lack of money, they were not afraid to make savings. Patrick Ngowi received $ 1,800 from his mother to launch his multi-million dollar company, Helvetic Solar. The same was the case with Arthur Zang, the founder of Highmore Medical, and James Panto. Today, all successful entrepreneurs were influenced by their mothers to take out loans from banks to start their ventures. It is important to share news and share your story on social networks. It is not known where you will get the help you need.

Make sure to rely on budget and cost-cutting

Why hire employees for a company that has no capital? Additionally, why rent offices and expensive equipment? It doesn’t seem logical. Until your business finds financial stability, it’s essential to wear various jackets. Learn to manage it well. From Finance to Manufacturing Sales, Marketing. Once you understand how best to handle it all, you’ll be able to avoid paying your salary, which is one of the most expensive expenses for companies. The fact is that you will have to cut back on all possible expenses. That’s why it’s so important to decide which areas to cut down on and where to spend your money.

Never afraid to put in hard work

First, you need to be disciplined in your approach to yourself. Then create goals for yourself each day. Then, at the end of the night, review your day and make a list of the tasks you’ve completed. Before starting a business, most of the time is spent on research, and it could be learning new skills around which your business will be built. Skills, knowledge, and contacts are the keys to success when setting up a cashless online business in Africa.

Make sure you have shareholders

Africans are generally friendly and kind; they have no sense of business cooperation. We have become distrustful of ourselves, which is not helping us. It’s time to realize that we can build greatness by working together. If nations are uniting to achieve incredible things, why not us? The partnership may be the answer from financial donations to contacts and moral support to time savings and even more significant expertise. It may even offer everything you need to keep your business running. For more information on the partnership, check out my article on Founding and Prospering in the Business World through Partnership.

